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Visit Kentucky Horsewear's Facebook Page
Ommegangstraat 9
9600 Ronse
+32 (0)476 85 49 20
info@kentucky-horsewear.comKentucky - the "must have" brand for protective horse boots across all disciplines (eventing, dressage, showjumping). There is a growing band of top international riders riding, training, and competing in the boots, including international names such as Bettina Hoy, Eiken Sato, Lars Nieberg, and UK event riders Francis Whittington and Laura Collette.
Rue de Bierset N°4
4460 Grâce-Hollogne
Sellerie Lucas is the ideal store for lovers of the equestrian sport. Our range of brands allows beginners to set foot in the stirrup and satisfy all the demands of professionals. Our difference is the quality of the material and of our service; nothing is left to chance. We follow and support you throughout your equestrian career. We understand you because we live the same passion for the horse.
4460 Grâce-Hollogne
contact@sellerielucas.comSellerie Lucas is the ideal store for lovers of the equestrian sport. Our range of brands allows beginners to set foot in the stirrup and satisfy all the demands of professionals. Our difference is the quality of the material and of our service; nothing is left to chance. We follow and support you throughout your equestrian career. We understand you because we live the same passion for the horse.