North America Online Shopping Directory
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Hobson's Choice Saddlery
P.O. Box 664
West Newbury, MA 01985
Hobson's Choice Saddlery offers new, used, custom, and demo saddles for sale by the brands you love to ride. We specialize in fitting both horse and rider... whether it's dressage, jumping, or all-purpose saddles.
Holtz Saddle Co.West Newbury, MA 01985
(978) 363-8881
Hobson's Choice Saddlery offers new, used, custom, and demo saddles for sale by the brands you love to ride. We specialize in fitting both horse and rider... whether it's dressage, jumping, or all-purpose saddles.
25 E Fairview Ave, Suite 226
Meridian, ID 83642
Holtz Saddle Co. has been family owned and operated for more than 60 years. Proprietor Gery Holtz specializes in new and used saddles and tack. You'll find lots of saddles (including Circle Y saddles) and hand-made horse equipment on our website and in our store. Our customer service is a pleasure and our merchandise is quality and often unusual. Holtz Saddle Co. maintains a bulletin board for its customers. Email us if you would like information posted for sale, including horses, used western and English saddles, equipment, and services.
Hoof Care and Farrier Supply, LLCMeridian, ID 83642
(800) 875-0929
rosetony07@gmail.comHoltz Saddle Co. has been family owned and operated for more than 60 years. Proprietor Gery Holtz specializes in new and used saddles and tack. You'll find lots of saddles (including Circle Y saddles) and hand-made horse equipment on our website and in our store. Our customer service is a pleasure and our merchandise is quality and often unusual. Holtz Saddle Co. maintains a bulletin board for its customers. Email us if you would like information posted for sale, including horses, used western and English saddles, equipment, and services.
2222 Park Pl #2E
Minden, NV 89423
Horse care supplies, hoof repair kits, composite horseshoes, grooming supplies, and the Hoofjack. Treatment supplies for navicular, founder, ringbone, thrush, and white line disease.
Hors VitaminsMinden, NV 89423
(888) 665-9099
(775) 783-9099
Horse care supplies, hoof repair kits, composite horseshoes, grooming supplies, and the Hoofjack. Treatment supplies for navicular, founder, ringbone, thrush, and white line disease.

Visit Hors Vitamins' Facebook Page
21 Keystone Drive
Lebanon, PA 17042
(800) 332-5244
(717) 274-3676
Kauffman's Animal Health, Inc. was founded in 1978 by Leon J. Kauffman as a small family oriented business with the intent to manufacture, package, and market a line of nutritional supplements and premixes aimed at feed manufacturers and feed dealers. The original product line contained premixes and supplements for poultry, livestock, and horses. Having the strongest ties with the race horse industry, the equine line of products grew more rapidly than the other lines.

Visit Horse & Rider Etc.'s Facebook Page
4462 Route 22 East
Blairsville, PA 15717
(724) 676-5771
customerservice@horse-rider-etc.comHorse & Rider Etc. has equestrian riding apparel, tack, and accessories for the English rider and your horse at discounted prices every day.
221 Town Center West #225
Santa Maria, CA 93458
Offers high quality horse grooming supplies, equine dressage products, horse care and grooming tips, horse chat rooms and a horse forum.
Horse HardwareSanta Maria, CA 93458
(805) 348-3219
info@horsegroomingsupplies.comOffers high quality horse grooming supplies, equine dressage products, horse care and grooming tips, horse chat rooms and a horse forum.
6943 W Main St
Frisco, TX 75034
Horse Hardware is a locally owned tack shop in Frisco, TX. We specialize in show attire for the English rider. One of the largest selections of show shirts in the north Texas region.
Horse Lovers' StoreFrisco, TX 75034
(972) 334-0261
sales@TexasHorseHardware.comHorse Hardware is a locally owned tack shop in Frisco, TX. We specialize in show attire for the English rider. One of the largest selections of show shirts in the north Texas region.
3944 8th Line
Bradford ON L3Z 2A5
The Horse Lovers' Store has been created for horse enthusiasts from all disciplines. We feature horse hoof care and wellness products plus a wide array of exclusive items, including tack trunks, grooming boxes, saddle and blanket racks, crop holders, bandage and bridle racks, farm building plans, custom made farm signs, and cupolas. Compare our low prices and save.
Horse ManiacHorse on CourseBradford ON L3Z 2A5
(905) 778-8700
sales@horseloversstore.comThe Horse Lovers' Store has been created for horse enthusiasts from all disciplines. We feature horse hoof care and wellness products plus a wide array of exclusive items, including tack trunks, grooming boxes, saddle and blanket racks, crop holders, bandage and bridle racks, farm building plans, custom made farm signs, and cupolas. Compare our low prices and save.
P.O. Box 884
Tryron, NC 28782
Your source for fine equestrian products. Providing for your equine needs with over 18 years of experience, quality and service. Huge selection of saddlery, strapgoods, and accessories at discount prices.
Tryron, NC 28782
(828) 894-5339
sales@horseoncourse.comYour source for fine equestrian products. Providing for your equine needs with over 18 years of experience, quality and service. Huge selection of saddlery, strapgoods, and accessories at discount prices.