United States Online Shopping Directory
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Dinovite, Inc.
101 Miller Drive
Crittenden, KY 41030
Dinovite Inc. introduces some of the most innovative pet care supplies in the industry. The business is the master plan of animal lovers, experienced in caring for various species, including canines of different breeds.
Dressage ExtensionsCrittenden, KY 41030
(859) 428-1000
edwardlukacevic@gmail.comDinovite Inc. introduces some of the most innovative pet care supplies in the industry. The business is the master plan of animal lovers, experienced in caring for various species, including canines of different breeds.
11943 Discovery Court
Moorpark, CA 93021
Premiere dressage catalog specializing in tack and riding apparel for the discerning dressage rider.
Elusive CowGirlMoorpark, CA 93021
(800) 303-7849
(805) 222-1140
mail@dressageextensions.comPremiere dressage catalog specializing in tack and riding apparel for the discerning dressage rider.

Visit Elusive CowGirl's Facebook Page
20929 Ventura Blvd
Suite 47-264
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(323) 203-4652
Cowgirl Fashion: Unique affordable cowgirl clothing! We have a great selection of: Bohemian chic dresses, high low country western dresses, cowgirl dresses, western boot cut jeans, western shirts, pistol T-shirts, cowgirl jewelry, Bohemian chic headbands, western scarves, and more!
36479 Beaver Creek Road
Baker City, OR 97814
Certified natural balance barefoot trimmer and farrier. Providing hoof care to all breeds and disciplines. I specialize in shoeing performance horses and all related lameness issues with appropriate therapeutic packages. I also offer a full line of Renegade Hoof Boots and other products. Quiet handler and with no abuse. Servicing all of Baker, Grant, and Union counties. Will travel farther with additional trip fees.
Equestrian CollectionsBaker City, OR 97814
(541) 519-8792
elkhornmtnranch@gmail.comCertified natural balance barefoot trimmer and farrier. Providing hoof care to all breeds and disciplines. I specialize in shoeing performance horses and all related lameness issues with appropriate therapeutic packages. I also offer a full line of Renegade Hoof Boots and other products. Quiet handler and with no abuse. Servicing all of Baker, Grant, and Union counties. Will travel farther with additional trip fees.

Visit Equestrian Collections' Facebook Page
10498 Colonel Ct, Ste 105
Manassas, VA 20110
(877) 872-4415
(703) 365-0155
customerservice@equestriancollections.coAn exciting website designed for the rider in search of the perfect equestrian clothing.

Visit Equestrian Home Accessories' Facebook Page
Van Alstyne, TX 75495
We feature classic equestrian-themed gifts and decor for the home, barn, tack room, stable, and horse lover alike.
You will also find accessories for you, your home, and your horse plus one-of-a kind vintage pieces that bring the past back to the present.
Whether you love classical dressage, hunters, jumpers, 3-day eventing, fox hunting, horse racing, or just love everything about horses, we have a treasure for you!

Visit Equine Organix's Facebook Page
51 Hill Top Road
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
(908) 229-0787
info@equineorganix.comEquine Organix provides healthy, stylish items for horse, rider, and dog.
Our premier grooming products are: Organic Chamomile & Olive Oil Shampoo and Leave In Mane & Tail Detangler. These are sulfate free, pH-balanced specifically for horses, concentrated, and gentle for repeated washings.
We also offer gorgeous floral saddle pads in dressage, all purpose, and pony sizes. Custom leather neck halters for face-free grooming and safe bridling.
Beautiful tote bags, breech cover ups, dog beds, and unique gifts.
11850 N 75th St
Longmont, CO 80503
Beautiful horse jewelry for horse lovers of all ages.
EquissentialsLongmont, CO 80503
Beautiful horse jewelry for horse lovers of all ages.

3200 Chestnut St
Oneonta, NY 13820
(800) 364-2856
gohorse@equissentials.netFine equestrian apparel.
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