Botetourt County, Virginia Online Shopping Directory
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36 Wood Lane
Daleville, VA 24083
In our 30th year of operation and our 26th year with the Jewelers Board of Trade, we specialize in hand crafted custom designed 14kt gold equestrian and canine jewelry. Our equestrian line includes the following breeds: Arabian, American Saddlebred, Morgan, Paso Fino, Clydesdale, Percheron, Friesian, National Show Horse, Thoroughbred, and Quarter Horse. The canine selection consists of several different breeds. Special order requests are considered. We hope that you enjoy online ordering from our new and improved web site.
Daleville, VA 24083
(540) 817-5037
jandjmaze@earthlink.netIn our 30th year of operation and our 26th year with the Jewelers Board of Trade, we specialize in hand crafted custom designed 14kt gold equestrian and canine jewelry. Our equestrian line includes the following breeds: Arabian, American Saddlebred, Morgan, Paso Fino, Clydesdale, Percheron, Friesian, National Show Horse, Thoroughbred, and Quarter Horse. The canine selection consists of several different breeds. Special order requests are considered. We hope that you enjoy online ordering from our new and improved web site.
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