New Hampshire Real Estate and Horse Property Directory
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Equine Homes Real Estate, LLC
72 Vining Hill Rd
Southwick, MA 01077
Equine facilities and/or properties for sale in New England and Florida.
Farms & Barns RESouthwick, MA 01077
(413) 569-6187
(413) 478-5671
Karen@equinehomes.comEquine facilities and/or properties for sale in New England and Florida.
PO Box 719
New Boston, NH 03070
NH's statewide horse & farm property Realtors.
New Hampshire Farm and Ranch Real EstateNew Boston, NH 03070
(603) 487-3010
info@farmsandbarns.comNH's statewide horse & farm property Realtors.
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in New Hampshire. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
Wetherbee Farm Real EstatePope of Realty,
101 Ponemah Rd
Amherst, NH 03031
Several New England horse properties currently for sale (Jan 2009), from super luxurious to middle of the road with huge views to acreage properties to single horse properties. Please visit my site or call me.
Roche Realty Group - J SulloAmherst, NH 03031
(603) 562-5186
Buddy@Popesays.comSeveral New England horse properties currently for sale (Jan 2009), from super luxurious to middle of the road with huge views to acreage properties to single horse properties. Please visit my site or call me.

Visit Roche Realty Group - J Sullo's Facebook Page
97 Daniel Webster Hwy
Meredith, NH 03253
(603) 279-7046
(603) 677-8423

Visit Roche Realty Group, Inc.'s Facebook Page
97 Daniel Webster Hwy
Meredith, NH 03253
(603) 279-7046
sales@rocherealty.comRoche Realty Group is a Premier Realtor for homes for sale and real estate in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Find horse properties, land, lake homes, and waterfront property.
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