Fort Worth, Texas Saddle Makers Directory
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M.L. Leddy's
2455 North Main
Fort Worth, TX 76164
Since 1922, M.L. Leddy's has provided custom handmade boots, handmade saddles, clothing, belts, buckles, and much more. Leddy's is located in Fort Worth, Texas in the Historic Stockyards.
Sean Ryon Saddle ShopWild West SaddlesFort Worth, TX 76164
(888) 565-2668
info@leddys.comSince 1922, M.L. Leddy's has provided custom handmade boots, handmade saddles, clothing, belts, buckles, and much more. Leddy's is located in Fort Worth, Texas in the Historic Stockyards.

Visit Wild West Saddles' Facebook Page
2516 NE 28th #114
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 378-8588
wildwestsaddles1@gmail.comWe are suppliers and makers of some of the finest western saddles, and we ship our saddles worldwide. Whether you are an occasional rider or a professional, we can build a saddle that you would enjoy riding in. We start by using some of the best material available like Hermann Oak, Wickett & Craig, Triple C, or similar skirting leather, which is something special in its own right, and we get amazing results when we tool it. We use solid brass or stainless steel hardware. Whether you need one or one hundred saddles, we have the experience to supply you with all types of saddles, within budget, per your choice, and on time. We guarantee your satisfaction as we are in the heart of cowboy country in Fort Worth, TX.