Catlett, Virginia Horse Boarding Stables & Livery Yards Directory
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Charlie Horse Farm

Visit Charlie Horse Farm's Facebook Page
11011 Brent Town Road
Catlett, VA 20119
(540) 423-4157
charlie_horse_farm@yahoo.com10-acre horse farm, Catlett, Va, Fauquier County, off route 612. Beautiful tidy barn with horse safe electrical wiring and heated water buckets for winter. Our fields only have horse safe wooden fences. All stalls now have new stall mats and are 11x11 in size and in great condition. It is horse safe. We have fly sprays for each stall and individual fans per stall. We can do short-term boarding or long-term. You may also keep your horse trailer on our property at no extra charge. We have 2 fields and a nice run in for mini horses or ponies. We have a brand new separate secured tack room for storing your saddles away from the newly painted feed room, which also has a new hot/cold water sink installed. There is a wash area in the barn yard - it is not inside the barn. The feed room is in the barn, convenient to your horse, and separate from the tack room.
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