Alberta Horse Breeding Farms Directory
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Alvesta Farm
P.O. Box 55
Jarvie AB T0G1H0
A Canadian Welsh stud farm established in 1966. Breeding quality Welsh Mountain Ponies & Section B ponies for over 40 years.
Baptiste Lake MorgansBelle Coulée MorgansJarvie AB T0G1H0
(780) 954-2463
alvestafarm@hotmail.comA Canadian Welsh stud farm established in 1966. Breeding quality Welsh Mountain Ponies & Section B ponies for over 40 years.
49451 - Hwy 814
Leduc AB T9E 2X2
Foundation bred Morgans breeding for both type and personality of the WWF Morgan. Breeding for the versatility of the Western Working Family Morgan.
Cache Creek RanchRR2
Leduc AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-1446
rpombert@bellecouleemorgans.comFoundation bred Morgans breeding for both type and personality of the WWF Morgan. Breeding for the versatility of the Western Working Family Morgan.
PO Box 291
Spedden AB T0A 3E0
We raise quality Appaloosas at our ranch in Spedden, Alberta, Canada. Welcome.
Canadian Legacy Gypsy Horse FarmSpedden AB T0A 3E0
(780) 636-3050
info@cachecreekranch.comWe raise quality Appaloosas at our ranch in Spedden, Alberta, Canada. Welcome.

Visit Canadian Legacy Gypsy Horse Farm's Facebook Page
53024 RR 215
Ardrossan AB T8E 2E5
(780) 640-1554
(866) 55-GYPSY
Bringing the magic to Canada. We are located 12 miles east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Discover the magic of owning your own Gypsy horse.
RR 4
Tofield AB T0B4J0
At Carbonear Stables, we bred Purebred Andalusians and Canadian Aztecas. A horse of excellent conformation, temperament, and attitude has the edge to excel in performance. The goal of Carbonear Stables is to enhance these qualities through selectively breeding our mares to suitable Andalusian and Quarter Horse Stallions across North America. Our horses are raised with loving attention.
Chrystal Star RanchTofield AB T0B4J0
(587) 873-3271
carbonearstables@mcsnet.caAt Carbonear Stables, we bred Purebred Andalusians and Canadian Aztecas. A horse of excellent conformation, temperament, and attitude has the edge to excel in performance. The goal of Carbonear Stables is to enhance these qualities through selectively breeding our mares to suitable Andalusian and Quarter Horse Stallions across North America. Our horses are raised with loving attention.
Box 505
Two Hills AB T0B 4K0
Breeding farm of Tennessee Walking horses for over 10 years. We have two fine stallions, a complimentary selection of mares and young horses. We do all our own training for trail riding and showing. I have broke and young horses for sale.
Coutts Crossing Horse N Hound HotelTwo Hills AB T0B 4K0
(780) 768-2250
fkerik@digitalweb.netBreeding farm of Tennessee Walking horses for over 10 years. We have two fine stallions, a complimentary selection of mares and young horses. We do all our own training for trail riding and showing. I have broke and young horses for sale.
Box 69
Coutts AB
There is no substitute for quality. We are proud to breed American Saddlebreds at two facilities: Fairfax Farms in Coutts, Alberta, Canada, and also at Parker View Farms, Versailles, Kentucky.
We selectively breed for the show ring; however, we do have a few exceptional individuals whose talent should direct them to trail riding, competitive trail, eventing, and family companion.
Our stallions and mares reflect some of the finest pedigrees from Kentucky and Missouri.
We have sold offspring to people in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, California, and Canada.
Please come by for a visit and let us show you why the American Saddlebred should be your next riding or show companion.
Crescent Moon MorgansCoutts AB
(403) 344-2553
kennelman@couttscrossing.comThere is no substitute for quality. We are proud to breed American Saddlebreds at two facilities: Fairfax Farms in Coutts, Alberta, Canada, and also at Parker View Farms, Versailles, Kentucky.
We selectively breed for the show ring; however, we do have a few exceptional individuals whose talent should direct them to trail riding, competitive trail, eventing, and family companion.
Our stallions and mares reflect some of the finest pedigrees from Kentucky and Missouri.
We have sold offspring to people in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, California, and Canada.
Please come by for a visit and let us show you why the American Saddlebred should be your next riding or show companion.
RR#4 Station Main
Lloydminster AB T9V 2Z9
Crescent Moon Morgans is owned by Tom & Colleen Weighill. We are breeding for height with out losing type.
Dun Rite Stock and StablesLloydminster AB T9V 2Z9
(780) 875-8403
Crescent Moon Morgans is owned by Tom & Colleen Weighill. We are breeding for height with out losing type.

Visit Dun Rite Stock and Stables' Facebook Page
Box 464
Bentley AB T0C 0J0
(403) 748-4030
info@dunritestockandstables.comA full service equine boarding, breeding, and training facility. Located north of Bentley Alberta, (30 min. from Red Deer). We specialize in taking quality care of your companion. Each horse is on a customized nutrition program. All horses have heated waterers and shelter. The facility is designed to be safe for horses. Our training program is designed to work with each individual rider and horse to reach the goals that you have set. Lesson packages are also available (private or group). We show APHA / AQHA / PtHA horses as well as breeding quality APHA / AQHA show prospects. Dun Rite Stock and Stables also markets natural beef which is raised on farm and hormone/chemical free.
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- Dales Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
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- Dutch Warmblood Horse Farms / Breeders (1/0)
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- Frederiksborg Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
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- Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Farms (0/0)
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- Lipizzaner Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Lusitano Breeders and Stallions (2/0)
- Mangalarga Marchador Breeders and Stallions (1/0)
- Marwari Horse Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Miniature Donkey Stallions and Breeders (0/0)
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions (2/0)
- Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breeders / Farms (0/0)
- Morab Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions (13/0)
- Moriesian Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Mountain Pleasure Horse Farms and Stallions (0/0)
- Mustang Farms and Stallions (0/0)
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- Noriker Farms and Stallions (0/0)
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- Orlov Trotter Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
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- Peruvian Paso Breeders and Stallions (1/0)
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- Pony of the Americas Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Quarter Horse Farms (10/0)
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- Racking Horse Farms and Stallions (0/0)
- Rocky Mountain Horse Farms and Stallions (0/0)
- Scheswiger Heavy Draft Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Selle Francais Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Shetland Pony Farms and Stallions (0/0)
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- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions (2/0)
- Sport Pony Breeders and Stallions (1/0)
- Spotted Draft Horse Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Standardbred Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Suffolk Punch Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Swedish Warmblood Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Tennessee Walking Horse Farms (5/0)
- Thoroughbred Horse Farms and Stallions (0/0)
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- Trakehner Breeders and Stallions (0/0)
- Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions (3/0)
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All Regions
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- Two Hills (1/0)
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