South Carolina Dressage Stables Directory
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Bramblewood Stables

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175 McConnell Rd
Taylors, SC 29687
(864) 322-7979
(864) 363-3727
klcush@msn.comJumping and dressage go hand in hand with an unparalleled program for both horse and rider. Jumping instructor is ARIA certified at the highest level; our dressage trainer instructs from Training to Grand Prix.
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- Dressage Stables
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- Horse Training Stables
2820 Old 96 Indian Trail
Wagener, SC 29164
Beautiful 32 acre dressage facility with covered and outdoor rings, riding trails, an insulated barn, and daily turnout. Classic Dressage trainer/instructor is Francisco Garcia from Royal Andalusian School for Equestrian Art in Jerez, Spain. His theory is lightness and balance. 30 minutes from downtown Aiken.
For Sale - Classically trained Pure Spanish horses, from Third Level to Grand Prix.
Club Hipico El RecuerdoWagener, SC 29164
(803) 295-2222
(803) 564-6919
huntress04@gmail.comBeautiful 32 acre dressage facility with covered and outdoor rings, riding trails, an insulated barn, and daily turnout. Classic Dressage trainer/instructor is Francisco Garcia from Royal Andalusian School for Equestrian Art in Jerez, Spain. His theory is lightness and balance. 30 minutes from downtown Aiken.
For Sale - Classically trained Pure Spanish horses, from Third Level to Grand Prix.
120 Jesse Brooks Rd
Landrum, SC 29356
ARIA certified riding instructor specializing in hunter-jumper and dressage training for beginner-intermediate riders & horses. We start green horses and re-train problem ones. We work in conjunction with Robert Mayer (licensed instructor in Germany and by the BHS). Our main goal is the safety and happiness of our students & horses. My experience includes international competition, barn management, and lesson programs in Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Italy, and the US. Certified Equine Appraiser, CPR and First Aid Certified, and BSA from the University of South Carolina. Fully bilingual in English-Spanish and fluent in Italian.
Performance Horses InternationalLandrum, SC 29356
(864) 266-8607
liliawhite@windstream.netARIA certified riding instructor specializing in hunter-jumper and dressage training for beginner-intermediate riders & horses. We start green horses and re-train problem ones. We work in conjunction with Robert Mayer (licensed instructor in Germany and by the BHS). Our main goal is the safety and happiness of our students & horses. My experience includes international competition, barn management, and lesson programs in Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Italy, and the US. Certified Equine Appraiser, CPR and First Aid Certified, and BSA from the University of South Carolina. Fully bilingual in English-Spanish and fluent in Italian.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Dressage Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Transportation
- Horse Training Stables
- Equine Appraisal
Marion, SC 29571
Large selection of imported and home-bred dressage, hunter/jumper, and event horses. All horses are ridden with classical dressage basics and jumped by an "A" Circuit hunter trainer. Youngsters to horses with successful show records. Dressage training and lessons also available. Just off I95. Visit us on your way to and from Florida.
(703) 489-2773
mistiecantey@performhorses.comLarge selection of imported and home-bred dressage, hunter/jumper, and event horses. All horses are ridden with classical dressage basics and jumped by an "A" Circuit hunter trainer. Youngsters to horses with successful show records. Dressage training and lessons also available. Just off I95. Visit us on your way to and from Florida.
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