Texas Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs Directory
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Campfire Creek Therapeutic Riding Center

Visit Campfire Creek Therapeutic Riding Center's Facebook Page
767 Bethel Road
Waxahachie, TX 75167
(972) 937-7265
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children and adults with physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, social, and spiritual needs by providing activities through interaction with the equine family and the agricultural environment. The organization will educate others to work with horses in the treatment of individuals with these challenges.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Christian Community
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
P O Box 2716
Waxahachie, TX 75168
Licensed mental health professional in the southern metroplex providing equine assisted psychotherapy. 35 years of experience with mental health issues and substance abuse. Has bred and sucessfully shown horses. 7 equines available for your therapy. Equines have years of experience with special populations. Male and female therapist available.
Falcon Equestrian Center, LLCWaxahachie, TX 75168
(972) 816-8772
drbobrad@aol.comLicensed mental health professional in the southern metroplex providing equine assisted psychotherapy. 35 years of experience with mental health issues and substance abuse. Has bred and sucessfully shown horses. 7 equines available for your therapy. Equines have years of experience with special populations. Male and female therapist available.
15105 CR 234
Terrell, TX 75160
Falcon Equestrian Center is a full-care boarding & training facility and is home to Highgate Riding Academy and the Texas Tack Exchange, a full service onsite tack store. In addition to our beautiful covered arena, an outdoor arena, three barns with all the amenities, lovely turnout paddocks for the horses, and a terrific clubhouse for relaxing between rides, we are adding an extensive cross-country course, new barns, and an enormous pavilion.
J & K Ranch KennelTerrell, TX 75160
(972) 898-0052
owner@falconequestrian.comFalcon Equestrian Center is a full-care boarding & training facility and is home to Highgate Riding Academy and the Texas Tack Exchange, a full service onsite tack store. In addition to our beautiful covered arena, an outdoor arena, three barns with all the amenities, lovely turnout paddocks for the horses, and a terrific clubhouse for relaxing between rides, we are adding an extensive cross-country course, new barns, and an enormous pavilion.
- Tack Shops
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
12007 West Morgan Drive
Houston, TX 77065
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) takes place in a peaceful, private, confidential, and relaxed setting. It is positive, productive, and fun. This modality works well for those uncomfortable in the clinical setting.
Living Water Equine ServicesHouston, TX 77065
(832) 428-6253
jandkkennels@sbcglobal.netEquine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) takes place in a peaceful, private, confidential, and relaxed setting. It is positive, productive, and fun. This modality works well for those uncomfortable in the clinical setting.
11056 FM 326
Lufkin, TX 75901
We are a 501(c)3 organization providing Christian counseling and discipleship to at risk youth and families. We also provide horsemanship classes.
Stable Life Solutions - Equine Assisted Therapeutic CentreLufkin, TX 75901
(936) 240-1468
(936) 824-2656
livingwaterequine@yahoo.comWe are a 501(c)3 organization providing Christian counseling and discipleship to at risk youth and families. We also provide horsemanship classes.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Christian Youth Ministries
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
14140 S Hwy 195
Killeen, TX 76542
Combining psychology and horses to heal emotional wounds and promote change. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, learning groups, trauma treatment for service members and their families, and rhythmic and therapeutic riding.
Legacy Complex, The - TLCKilleen, TX 76542
(254) 774-9433
StableLifeSolutionsshotmail.comCombining psychology and horses to heal emotional wounds and promote change. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, learning groups, trauma treatment for service members and their families, and rhythmic and therapeutic riding.
Abilene, TX 79602
Learning and growth experiences for children through adults with physical, developmental, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. This will help them improve their life skills through EAGALA, PATH, therapeutic riding, traditional counseling, Christian life coaching, and much more.
Rocky Top Therapy Center(325) 518-5626
(325) 669-1922
legacycomplex@gmail.comLearning and growth experiences for children through adults with physical, developmental, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. This will help them improve their life skills through EAGALA, PATH, therapeutic riding, traditional counseling, Christian life coaching, and much more.
Keller, TX 76248
Rocky Top Therapy Center provides comprehensive rehabilitation for physically, mentally or emotionally challenged individuals in the north central Texas area using developmental therapeutic riding and hippotherapy.
(817) 379-5717
Rocky Top Therapy Center provides comprehensive rehabilitation for physically, mentally or emotionally challenged individuals in the north central Texas area using developmental therapeutic riding and hippotherapy.
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