Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs Directory
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Pegasus Equine Therapy
711 W. 17th Street
Suite A8
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
We do equine therapy with individuals and groups! :)
Pony Power TherapiesSuite A8
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 646-8486
(714) 620-4353
Mickeykt@cox.netWe do equine therapy with individuals and groups! :)

Visit Pony Power Therapies' Facebook Page
1170 Ramapo Valley Rd
Mahwah, NJ 07430
(201) 934-1001
info@ponypowernj.orgTherapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Activities.
Pony Power Therapies is a full service, full year facility dedicated to children and adults with special needs including physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders as well as victims of trauma and abuse and those battling life limiting and life threatening issues. Pony Power offers therapeutic riding, hippo therapy, horses for heroes Veterans' programming, stable insights equine assisted growth, and learning sessions which are unmounted. Pony Power boasts a state of the art fully accessible facility with an indoor arena.

Visit Quantum Leap Farm, Inc.'s Facebook Page
10401 Woodstock Road
Odessa, FL 33556
(813) 920-9250
quantumleapfarm@verizon.netQuantum Leap Farm is a therapeutic equine center with a variety of programs for people who are interested in personal growth, self discovery, and life enrichment - physically, emotionally, and socially. Programs include therapeutic horseback riding, hippotherapy, At E.A.S.E. (Equine Assisted Self Exploration), carriage driving, and kinesthetic therapy. Quantum Leap Farm's therapeutic programs are available for participants from age 2 to 92. We also offer opportunities for volunteers, 16 years and older.
Quantum Leap Farm features a state-of-the-art riding arena, complete with lights, fans, a ramp, and a chair lift for safe mounting. We are located in northwest Hillsborough County and border 1700 acres of public riding trails. We invite horse boarding applicants who are interested in having their horse participate in our therapeutic programs.
Individual contributors are our largest funding source. As a non-profit corporation, contributions are tax deductible.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
3260 Marsh Creek Rd
Howard, PA 16841
Quiet Reach Farm is privately owned on 194 acres in the country. We provide equine assisted activities for therapy and personal development. We are now accepting horses for retirement. We have a 40 acre pasture with a stream, trees, etc. plus smaller paddocks for $175.00 per month. Email or call Bobbi for further information.
Radigan's PlaceHoward, PA 16841
(814) 625-2771
marshcriker@centurylink.netQuiet Reach Farm is privately owned on 194 acres in the country. We provide equine assisted activities for therapy and personal development. We are now accepting horses for retirement. We have a 40 acre pasture with a stream, trees, etc. plus smaller paddocks for $175.00 per month. Email or call Bobbi for further information.

Visit Radigan's Place's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 7972
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 280-0507
info@radigansplacve.comEquine Assisted Learning and therapy for at risk youth, their families, and returning veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We operate in Lake County, Illinois, at beautiful Brighton Farms. Please visit our website for full details on our programs and enrollment.

Visit Rainbow Valley Riding Center - RVRC's Facebook Page
1087 Rainbow Valley Rd W
Springwater ON LOL 2KO
(705) 322-7422
(705) 791-9188
mandy@rvrc.caOnly 8 min from Barrie and one hour from Toronto. Beautiful, safe public trail riding all ages and levels. Year round lesson in indoor arena with certified coaches. Youth outreach ministries. Horses for sale.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Christian Youth Ministries
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Sale Barns
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
3845 Delay Rd
Pawnee, IL 62558
Refuge Ranch is a non-profit organization in central Illinois which pairs at-risk children in our mentored horsemanship program, involving them in the rehabilitation and adoption process of our rescued horses.
Rhythm of the ReinPawnee, IL 62558
Refuge Ranch is a non-profit organization in central Illinois which pairs at-risk children in our mentored horsemanship program, involving them in the rehabilitation and adoption process of our rescued horses.
- Horse Rescue Organizations
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Christian Community
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
P.O. Box 67
386 US Route 2
Marshfield, VT 05658
Rhythm of the Rein is a NARHA premier accredited center serving central Vermont's and the Northeast Kingdom's special needs community. The organization employs NARHA certified instructors, a physical therapist, and a physical therapy assistant and has one of only three NARHA registered therapists in the state practicing hippotherapy. The center provides services for challenges such as autism, cerebral palsy, developmental disorders, and emotional issues. The center also has the area's only Horses For Heroes Program for veterans suffering emotional or physical trauma resulting from service during a period of armed conflict. Water Tower Farm is the center's host facility.
Ride With Faith, Inc. - RWF386 US Route 2
Marshfield, VT 05658
(802) 426-3781
Rhythm of the Rein is a NARHA premier accredited center serving central Vermont's and the Northeast Kingdom's special needs community. The organization employs NARHA certified instructors, a physical therapist, and a physical therapy assistant and has one of only three NARHA registered therapists in the state practicing hippotherapy. The center provides services for challenges such as autism, cerebral palsy, developmental disorders, and emotional issues. The center also has the area's only Horses For Heroes Program for veterans suffering emotional or physical trauma resulting from service during a period of armed conflict. Water Tower Farm is the center's host facility.

Visit Ride With Faith, Inc. - RWF's Facebook Page
2180 E Mowrey Rd
Columbia City, IN 46725
(260) 244-4683
(260) 705-7513
castle.ridewithfaith@gmail.comNon profit (501(c)3) working with at-risk and troubled youth. Youth accepted on referral basis through schools, mental health facilities, courts, and churches. For more info, please call Pam @ 260.705.7513.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs

Visit Riding School at Mare's Run Farm, The's Facebook Page
555 Peery Addition Road
Tazewell, VA 24651
(540) 230-9777
(276) 988-7319
eqvet4christ@yahoo.comThe Riding School at Mare's Run Farm offers beginning and intermediate dressage and/or hunter/jumper lessons to adults and children. Ride one of our horses or trailer your horse to our farm for lessons. Western lessons and trail riding also available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Christian Community
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Dressage Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
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