Santa Paula, California Hunter Jumper Stables Directory
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Saumier Stables

5634 Wheeler Canyon Road
Santa Paula, CA 93060
(650) 483-0718
SaumierStables@gmail.comBeginner to advanced horseback riding lessons available in the Ventura and surrounding areas. Hunters, jumpers, equitation, sales, competitions, investments, consults, and young horses started on trails. School horses and multiple horses available for lease ranging from beginning levels to advanced competition horses in the Hunter, Equitation-Medal, & Grand Prix arenas for students ages 4 and older. Please visit our website or find us on Facebook!
Contact Tasia for inquiries and a private tour of our facility.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables