Europe Horse Stables and Horse Farms Directory
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Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy - GSATRH
Varybobi Riding Club
The Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy (GSATRH) is a non-profit organization whose focus and goal is the rehabilitation of handicapped children and adults. Rehabilitation and therapy use the horse as a medium between the child/adult and the therapist.
During a therapeutic session, apart from using up-to-date, recognised techniques of TR and hippotherapy, we incorporate a series of methods applied today in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and speech therapy. These methods and techniques are also used for the most part in the USA as well as in some European countries, Greece included.
Under the daily supervision and guidance of GSATRH's founders (Mr. John Nikolaou, Mr. Nikos Nikolaidis, and Mr. Nikos Polyzos), these techniques are put to practice and implemented by specialized therapists.
The GSATRH is based within the grounds of Varybobi Riding Club (this is the club where therapeutic riding first begin in Greece).
Green Mountain HolidaysGreen Valley Ranch - Dvur MetliceAthens
The Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy (GSATRH) is a non-profit organization whose focus and goal is the rehabilitation of handicapped children and adults. Rehabilitation and therapy use the horse as a medium between the child/adult and the therapist.
During a therapeutic session, apart from using up-to-date, recognised techniques of TR and hippotherapy, we incorporate a series of methods applied today in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and speech therapy. These methods and techniques are also used for the most part in the USA as well as in some European countries, Greece included.
Under the daily supervision and guidance of GSATRH's founders (Mr. John Nikolaou, Mr. Nikos Nikolaidis, and Mr. Nikos Polyzos), these techniques are put to practice and implemented by specialized therapists.
The GSATRH is based within the grounds of Varybobi Riding Club (this is the club where therapeutic riding first begin in Greece).
Trailreiten in the south part of Beohmer-Forrest in Czechia.
Greenfield Stables
Lindeboomstraat 25 Bus 13
Specialising in hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses up to Grand-Prix level. Quality European Warmblood Sporthorses. Also specialising in training rider and horse up to Grand-Prix level.
Grönåkers FarmTervuren
wouter@greenfieldstables.comSpecialising in hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses up to Grand-Prix level. Quality European Warmblood Sporthorses. Also specialising in training rider and horse up to Grand-Prix level.
Grönåker 124
916 92 Bjurholm AC
Grönåker's Farm is located in a little village in the middle of Northern Sweden's amazing highlands. Come and experience the excitement and adventure and relax in the open and breathtaking landscape.
Grove House Stables Equestrian CentreHAJEK Ranch916 92 Bjurholm AC
elin@gronaker.seGrönåker's Farm is located in a little village in the middle of Northern Sweden's amazing highlands. Come and experience the excitement and adventure and relax in the open and breathtaking landscape.
Nisovice 35
38701 Volyne
Hajek Ranch, located near the Sumava National Park in southern Czech Republic, is a family owned horse ranch specializing in colt boarding. Our highly skilled staff guarantees professional care and outstanding results. Boarding, lessons, trail Rides.
Hall Place Equestrian Centre / Centell Saddlery38701 Volyne
info@ustajeni.czHajek Ranch, located near the Sumava National Park in southern Czech Republic, is a family owned horse ranch specializing in colt boarding. Our highly skilled staff guarantees professional care and outstanding results. Boarding, lessons, trail Rides.

Visit Hall Place Equestrian Centre / Centell Saddlery's Facebook Page
Sulham Hill
RG31 5UB
0118 942 6938
info@hall-place.comEstablished in 1967, Hall Place Equestrian Centre is a leading riding establishment in the south of England. Training is available to all ages and abilities by our team of highly qualified staff. From general riding tuition to specialist dressage, show jumping, and cross country clinics, Hall Place has something to suit you and your horse.
Viseweg 406
3700 Tongeren BE
Hobby breeding farm of coloured part bred Arabians, such as cremello, palomino, and pintabian. Based on proven Arabian lines: Crabbet, Russian, and Egyptian.
At the moment (Nov 2010), we have 3 stallions: 1 cremello, 1 pintabian and 1 buckskin.
We have 12 brood mares.
3700 Tongeren BE
0032 472 404711
0032 477 714442
grundel.roswitha@telenet.beHobby breeding farm of coloured part bred Arabians, such as cremello, palomino, and pintabian. Based on proven Arabian lines: Crabbet, Russian, and Egyptian.
At the moment (Nov 2010), we have 3 stallions: 1 cremello, 1 pintabian and 1 buckskin.
We have 12 brood mares.
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