Marion County, Florida Dude Ranches and Equestrian Vacations Directory
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Golden Acres Rest N' Ride
PO Box 3695
Belleview, FL 34421
We are an overnight, weekend, or weekly vacation stop over. Located on the Greenway trail system in Ocala, FL. Cabin for rent or LQ spaces available. Full barn use with hot/cold matted wash racks, fully stocked tack room, stalls, turnouts w/auto waterers, and 4 board fence. Private entrance to 110 miles of trail choices to ride!
Makin' Tracks Trail RidesBelleview, FL 34421
(352) 817-2862
littmarlin@aol.comWe are an overnight, weekend, or weekly vacation stop over. Located on the Greenway trail system in Ocala, FL. Cabin for rent or LQ spaces available. Full barn use with hot/cold matted wash racks, fully stocked tack room, stalls, turnouts w/auto waterers, and 4 board fence. Private entrance to 110 miles of trail choices to ride!

Visit Makin' Tracks Trail Rides' Facebook Page
15901 NE 137 Court
Fort McCoy, FL 32134
(352) 236-3929
makintrackstrailrides@gmail.comMakin' Tracks Trail Rides is a self funded equine rescue supported by guided trail rides.
Ocala, FL 34470
Enjoy an Ocala equestrian vacation and learn all about the Ocala horse industry.
Enjoy an Ocala equestrian vacation and learn all about the Ocala horse industry.
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