Massachusetts Dude Ranches and Equestrian Vacations Directory
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Cornerstone Ranch
Rutland, MA 01543
Trail riding at Cornerstone Ranch is a wonderful experience! Open year round and conveniently located in central Massachusetts, just one mile off of Route 68 in Rutland. Trail rides are held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. We trail ride on Sundays for groups of 5 or more by request.
Trail rides are for about an hour and a half and cost $45 per person. Cash, Check, and MC/Visa are accepted. Please visit our web site or call to schedule a trail ride when it's convenient for you.
Birthday riders ride FREE! If you book a trail ride for yourself or someone with a birthday, plus a minimum of two other people, the lucky birthday person rides FREE! The trail ride must be scheduled within two weeks of the rider's birthday date.
Trail Ride Gift Certificates are available on our web site! Visit our Gift Certificates page to purchase Trail Ride Coupons. Great gift for any occasion!
Crowley's Commission Sales(978) 464-4570
sue@cornerstoneranch.orgTrail riding at Cornerstone Ranch is a wonderful experience! Open year round and conveniently located in central Massachusetts, just one mile off of Route 68 in Rutland. Trail rides are held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. We trail ride on Sundays for groups of 5 or more by request.
Trail rides are for about an hour and a half and cost $45 per person. Cash, Check, and MC/Visa are accepted. Please visit our web site or call to schedule a trail ride when it's convenient for you.
Birthday riders ride FREE! If you book a trail ride for yourself or someone with a birthday, plus a minimum of two other people, the lucky birthday person rides FREE! The trail ride must be scheduled within two weeks of the rider's birthday date.
Trail Ride Gift Certificates are available on our web site! Visit our Gift Certificates page to purchase Trail Ride Coupons. Great gift for any occasion!

Visit Crowley's Commission Sales' Facebook Page
32 Shoemaker Lane
Agawam, MA 01001
(413) 786-1744
acrowley51@yahoo.comHorses always for sale. Daily trail and pony rides from 9am-6pm, all 7 days of the week. Birthday parties. Summer camps. Corrals, round pens, stall mats, and trailers. Affiliation with rescue organizations. Riding lessons.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Sale Barns
129 West Shore Road
East Otis, MA 01029
Come and enjoy our guest house in East Otis, MA. Enjoy horseback riding, the lake, and local attractions, including Tanglewood, Jacob's Pillow, Lee Premium Outlets, and much more.
Also available are trail rides, pony rides, and traveling pony parties.
Stoney Hill FarmEast Otis, MA 01029
(413) 854-5120
(413) 269-7428
wendy@rockenhorsefarm.comCome and enjoy our guest house in East Otis, MA. Enjoy horseback riding, the lake, and local attractions, including Tanglewood, Jacob's Pillow, Lee Premium Outlets, and much more.
Also available are trail rides, pony rides, and traveling pony parties.
1510 South Street
Barre, MA 01005
A unique blend of care and professionalism on 160 acres.
Private and herd turnout.
12x12 stalls; 24 hour supervision.
Emerald Hollow FarmBarre, MA 01005
(978) 621-6717
(978) 257-8114
bkindtoanimals@charter.netA unique blend of care and professionalism on 160 acres.
Private and herd turnout.
12x12 stalls; 24 hour supervision.
235 Run Hill Road
Brewster, MA 02631
Boarding, lessons, trail rides & pony rides.
Berkshire Equestrian Center, LLC. - BECBrewster, MA 02631
(508) 685-6811
nls235@yahoo.comBoarding, lessons, trail rides & pony rides.
Richmond, MA 01254
Offers boarding, riding lessons, clinics, shows, trail riding, pony rides, use of outdoor and heated indoor arena, heated tack room, and temporary or overnight stabling with a bed and breakfast on the property.
(413) 698-3200
berkshireequestriancenter@hotmail.comOffers boarding, riding lessons, clinics, shows, trail riding, pony rides, use of outdoor and heated indoor arena, heated tack room, and temporary or overnight stabling with a bed and breakfast on the property.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
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