Dude Ranches and Equestrian Vacations Directory
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Lone Mountain Ranch - Horseback Riding

Visit Lone Mountain Ranch - Horseback Riding's Facebook Page
750 Lone Mountain Ranch Rd
PO Box 160069
Big Sky, MT 59716
(800) 514-4644
Montana's Lone Mountain Ranch near Yellowstone Park specializes in family ranch vacations and ski adventure vacations.
749 Ruff White Rd
Canton, GA 30114
We are a natural horsemanship facility. We have a state of the art 20 stall barn, a 200'x75' covered arena, a viewing lounge, and a secure tack room. We have hundreds of miles of beautiful, wooded trails with lots of room to canter. Daily turnouts for at least 8 hours. Quality feed and hay included in boarding, full or partial. We have 35 acres of grass, which we rotate weekly. Lessons in groups or private. We teach you how to understand the language of the horse so you can understand what the horse is saying to you. We will teach you everything you need to know from the ground up, so if your dream is to own your own horse, you will be equipped to do so. We teach balanced riding for all disciplines. We also give trail rides on our beautiful, scenic trails.
Lonesome Dove Guest RanchCanton, GA 30114
(770) 354-3734
(770) 479-3263
naturalhorseman@windstream.netWe are a natural horsemanship facility. We have a state of the art 20 stall barn, a 200'x75' covered arena, a viewing lounge, and a secure tack room. We have hundreds of miles of beautiful, wooded trails with lots of room to canter. Daily turnouts for at least 8 hours. Quality feed and hay included in boarding, full or partial. We have 35 acres of grass, which we rotate weekly. Lessons in groups or private. We teach you how to understand the language of the horse so you can understand what the horse is saying to you. We will teach you everything you need to know from the ground up, so if your dream is to own your own horse, you will be equipped to do so. We teach balanced riding for all disciplines. We also give trail rides on our beautiful, scenic trails.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Natural Horsemanship Training
1805 Haywire Gulch
Kalispell, MT 59901
Lonesome L RanchKalispell, MT 59901
(406) 756-3056
(800) 949-4169
45808 US Hwy 271
Wister, OK 74966
A secluded valley ranch bordered on two sides by the beautiful and scenic Ouachita National Forest and just a few minutes from Talimena Drive in Eastern Oklahoma.
Lucasia RanchWister, OK 74966
(918) 677-2274
A secluded valley ranch bordered on two sides by the beautiful and scenic Ouachita National Forest and just a few minutes from Talimena Drive in Eastern Oklahoma.
Box 1206
Claresholm AB T0L 0T0
Lucky Stables @ Seaside Nature ParkClaresholm AB T0L 0T0
(403) 625-2295
(877) 477-2624
Caybay Road 64
LytingsstadirM&M Horse Ranch & Training CenterCaybay
+599 5445255
+599 5265238
Granger, TX 76530
Looking for a great place for your child to be able to fulfill dream riding horses?
We offer very unique and wonderful birthday party with horses. Plan your child's birthday party with us! For more information, see our website.
We also offer spring break camps, summer camps & lessons.
We teach horsemanship and speed events like barrels & poles too!
Mac's Meadows Equestrian Center(512) 677-4002
Looking for a great place for your child to be able to fulfill dream riding horses?
We offer very unique and wonderful birthday party with horses. Plan your child's birthday party with us! For more information, see our website.
We also offer spring break camps, summer camps & lessons.
We teach horsemanship and speed events like barrels & poles too!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
2350 Clyde
Howell, MI 48855
We offer summer horse camps, horse riding lessons, training, boarding, clinics and birthday parties with pony rides. Mac's Meadows features riding trails, indoor and outdoor rings, and heated tack and observation rooms. We specialize in hunter jumper training of the horse and rider. Also available: basic training in western and gymkhana. Our training techniques focus on what judges look for, expanding the ability of the equestrian, and strengthening the connection between horse and rider. John and Karen McMichael own and operate Mac's Meadows. We look forward to seeing you soon.
MacDonalds RanchHowell, MI 48855
(517) 404-3823
macsmeadows@yahoo.comWe offer summer horse camps, horse riding lessons, training, boarding, clinics and birthday parties with pony rides. Mac's Meadows features riding trails, indoor and outdoor rings, and heated tack and observation rooms. We specialize in hunter jumper training of the horse and rider. Also available: basic training in western and gymkhana. Our training techniques focus on what judges look for, expanding the ability of the equestrian, and strengthening the connection between horse and rider. John and Karen McMichael own and operate Mac's Meadows. We look forward to seeing you soon.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
MacDonalds Ranch, a premier horseback riding and western adventure tour stable located in Scottsdale, Arizona.