Churchton, Maryland Horse Retirement Farms Directory
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Badger's Retreat Farm
5414 Deale Churchton Road
Churchton, MD 20733
Badger's Retreat Farm is an 80-acre equine boarding facility located in southern Anne Arundel County focusing on pleasure, competitive, and endurance trail riding. We also maintain a turf-footing ring, poles, and jumps for boarders to use and enjoy. Field boarding and full-care with 24/7 pasture access available. 40 acres of the farm are devoted to lush pastures. Badger's Retreat is a family owned and operated facility with a quiet and relaxed atmosphere.
Our trails cover varied terrain, including old growth oak woods, grass green ways, gravel/milling driveway along planted farm fields, and some paved trail access. Within easy trailering distance of PG Equestrian Center, Rosaryville, Cedarville, Jug Bay, and Patuxent Parks. Some trailer parking available.
Churchton, MD 20733
(410) 956-2581
youngce@starpower.netBadger's Retreat Farm is an 80-acre equine boarding facility located in southern Anne Arundel County focusing on pleasure, competitive, and endurance trail riding. We also maintain a turf-footing ring, poles, and jumps for boarders to use and enjoy. Field boarding and full-care with 24/7 pasture access available. 40 acres of the farm are devoted to lush pastures. Badger's Retreat is a family owned and operated facility with a quiet and relaxed atmosphere.
Our trails cover varied terrain, including old growth oak woods, grass green ways, gravel/milling driveway along planted farm fields, and some paved trail access. Within easy trailering distance of PG Equestrian Center, Rosaryville, Cedarville, Jug Bay, and Patuxent Parks. Some trailer parking available.