Argentina Horseback Riding Lesson Stables Directory
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Palo Alto Polo

Visit Palo Alto Polo's Facebook Page
Ruta 8
KM 50
1234 Pilar BA
info@paloaltopolo.comArgentina polo holiday. Palo Alto Polo Club offers guests to experience some of the best polo in the world. We have 20 horses for students, 2 polo fields, 22 hectars, and a club house to host up to 10 people at a time.
We are located 40 minutes from downtown Buenos Aires.
You will have a polo lesson in the morning and a practice game in the afternoon. Ask for a free quote at
Sitio argentino dedicado donde encontraras, escuela de equitacion, clinicas de salto y adiestramiento, venta de caballos deportivos, etc. School equestrian jumper horses.
15-6095-1489 argentino dedicado donde encontraras, escuela de equitacion, clinicas de salto y adiestramiento, venta de caballos deportivos, etc. School equestrian jumper horses.
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