Lane County, Oregon Summer Horse Riding Camps Directory
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Triple Rise Equestrian Center

Visit Triple Rise Equestrian Center's Facebook Page
85687 Pine Grove Road
Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 342-5432
triplerise@earthlink.netTriple Rise Equestrian Center started over 20 years ago with a single motivation: To help individuals learn to ride horses safely and competently while having fun. Triple Rise specializes in hunters and jumpers and is known for producing excellent horses and riders and promoting horse shows throughout the Northwest. This beautiful facility is located near Eugene, OR, in western Lane County, with easy access from I-5. The grassy, tree-shaded grounds and 37-stall barn are spotlessly maintained, to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of the clients, and even more, the horses.
The comprehensive training and lesson program is designed to bring out the best in both horse and rider, regardless of their previous experience. Through expert supervision and training, horses and riders of all levels are able to enjoy learning and improving, sometimes far beyond expectations.
Whether you are a serious amateur hunter or jumper competitor with competitive goals or someone interested in beginning lessons so that you can learn to ride safely and effectively, Triple Rise offers lesson and training programs to accommodate riders of all levels of experience.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Blue River, OR 97413
Horseback riding, kids summer camps, boarding, lessons, and horse vacations, all in the beautiful McKenzie River area!
(541) 228-4270
melissa@kingroadstables.comHorseback riding, kids summer camps, boarding, lessons, and horse vacations, all in the beautiful McKenzie River area!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
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