Granite Falls, Washington Summer Horse Riding Camps Directory
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Camp Horse Country at Horse Country Farm

Visit Camp Horse Country at Horse Country Farm's Facebook Page
8507 Hwy 92
P.O. Box 2
Granite Falls, WA 98252
(360) 691-7509
(425) 335-4773
ckennedy@horsecountryfarm.comAt Camp Horse Country, we do horses, horses, horses all day and all week!
We offer:
- Small riding groups so campers progress at their own pace.
- A safe and positive environment.
- Friendship circles, team-building activities, and barn buddies.
- Daily horseback riding – 2 hours up to 5 hours a day in the saddle, in the arenas, in the corrals, and on the trails. Length of riding time depends on the camp program you choose for your camper.
- Ground School – Campers learn how to groom, saddle, and handle a horse on the ground.
- Horse Care – Campers learn how to feed, clean tack, clean stalls, and take horses to their paddocks or pastures.
- Games and horsey activities on the ground and in the saddle.
- Each camper participates in a real horse show with ribbons, trophies, and awards.