Los Angeles County, California Therapeutic Riding Stables Directory
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Move a Child Higher - MACHRide To FlyShadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC)

Visit Shadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC)'s Facebook Page
10263 La Canada Way
Shadow Hills, CA 91040
(818) 352-2166
(323) 314-1500
cindy@shadowhillsridingclub.orgShadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC) is a P.A.T.H. Int'l Premier Accredited Riding Program located at the Shadow Hills Equestrian Center. Shadow Hills Riding Club offers therapeutic riding programs in which horses are used as a tool from physical therapy, emotional growth, and learning for individuals with mental, physical, and/or emotional disabilities, and to carry on other charitable activities associated with this purpose.
9889 Helen Avenue
Shadow Hills, CA 91040
Special Spirit Inc. is a NARHA certified center that benefits the disabled community through its therapeutic horseback riding program.
Special Spirit Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.
Ride OnRide Your Horse! Therapeutic Riding ProgramShadow Hills, CA 91040
(323) 428-5005
specialspiritinc@hotmail.comSpecial Spirit Inc. is a NARHA certified center that benefits the disabled community through its therapeutic horseback riding program.
Special Spirit Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.
10730 Artesia Blvd
Cerritos, CA 90703
Ride Your Horse TRP provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other assisted equine activities to children and adults with disabilities. Specializing promoting self-growth to each rider in all areas of need. Private, semi-private, and group lessons are all held under a beautiful covered arena. Volunteers are a vital part of RYH. Volunteer opportunities range from horse handlers to office work.
Saddle UpCerritos, CA 90703
(714) 292-3563
rideyourhorsetrp@yahoo.comRide Your Horse TRP provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons and other assisted equine activities to children and adults with disabilities. Specializing promoting self-growth to each rider in all areas of need. Private, semi-private, and group lessons are all held under a beautiful covered arena. Volunteers are a vital part of RYH. Volunteer opportunities range from horse handlers to office work.
A non-profit, therapeutic horseback riding program designed for physically and mentally challenged individuals.
Shadow Country Ranch / Horses Carefp3.antelecom.net/saddleup/Index.htm
Acton, CA 93510
Home of quality foundation AQHA horses, stallion service available, and horses for sale.
(661) 269-4953
shadow3@as.netHome of quality foundation AQHA horses, stallion service available, and horses for sale.
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