Shadow Hills, California Therapeutic Riding Stables Directory
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Shadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC)

Visit Shadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC)'s Facebook Page
10263 La Canada Way
Shadow Hills, CA 91040
(818) 352-2166
(323) 314-1500
cindy@shadowhillsridingclub.orgShadow Hills Riding Club (SHRC) is a P.A.T.H. Int'l Premier Accredited Riding Program located at the Shadow Hills Equestrian Center. Shadow Hills Riding Club offers therapeutic riding programs in which horses are used as a tool from physical therapy, emotional growth, and learning for individuals with mental, physical, and/or emotional disabilities, and to carry on other charitable activities associated with this purpose.
9889 Helen Avenue
Shadow Hills, CA 91040
Special Spirit Inc. is a NARHA certified center that benefits the disabled community through its therapeutic horseback riding program.
Special Spirit Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.
Shadow Hills, CA 91040
(323) 428-5005
specialspiritinc@hotmail.comSpecial Spirit Inc. is a NARHA certified center that benefits the disabled community through its therapeutic horseback riding program.
Special Spirit Inc. is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.
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