Minnesota Therapeutic Riding Stables Directory
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We Can Ride - WCR

Visit We Can Ride - WCR's Facebook Page
Louise and Doug Leatherdale Equine Center at the U
Saint Paul, MN
(952) 934-0057
Therapeutic horseback riding and carriage driving for people with disabilities located in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA.
Grandy, MN 55029
The mission of Health Directed Riding, Inc. is to enhance the well-being of persons with disabilities through horseback riding and other equine related activities within a safe, enjoyable, and familiar atmosphere, designed by professionals and implemented primarily by volunteers, while working to promote, develop, and strengthen relationships with their peers and family.
Mounted Eagles, Inc.(612) 247-9582
comments@healthdirectedriding.orgThe mission of Health Directed Riding, Inc. is to enhance the well-being of persons with disabilities through horseback riding and other equine related activities within a safe, enjoyable, and familiar atmosphere, designed by professionals and implemented primarily by volunteers, while working to promote, develop, and strengthen relationships with their peers and family.

Visit Mounted Eagles, Inc.'s Facebook Page
Spirit Horse Center Inc.
8683 50th Avenue
Brainerd, MN 56401
(888) 828-9920
(218) 454-3228
info@mountedeagles.orgTherapeutic riding lessons for persons with disabilities. We're a non-profit organization in Brainerd, MN, helping handicapped persons to participate in equine-related activities, including the care, training, riding, and driving of horses.

Visit Project ASTRIDE's Facebook Page
Avon Hills Paints and QuarterHorses, Inc.
32553 County Rd 50
Avon, MN 56310
(320) 468-2524
martiastride@yahoo.comAn all volunteer non profit program serving children and adults with developmental, physical, or sensory challenges.
5062 120th Ave N
Felton, MN 56536
River Valley RidersRiver Valley RidersFelton, MN 56536
(218) 359-0007
(701) 793-5153

Washington County Fairgrounds
Highway 5 and Manning Avenue North
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
(651) 439-2558
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