Eagle, Wisconsin Therapeutic Riding Stables Directory
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Horse Power Healing Center

Visit Horse Power Healing Center's Facebook Page
S 101 W34628 Hwy LO
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-3667
(262) 470-3299
morabrep@yahoo.comOur mission is "To provide all individuals who are physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged with healing empowerment through horses. Equine-oriented activities help facilitate the ability of individuals to reach their full potential by enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence." We offer small group therapeutic horseback riding lessons, an equine learning program for non-riders, individual private therapeutic riding lessons, "Horses 4 Heroes" program for veterans, firefighters/EMTs, law enforcement officers, Critical Care, pediatric, and hospice nurses, and special education teachers and their family members and "Horses for Hope", a program for children and adults diagnosed with a terminal illness.
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> Therapeutic Riding Stables
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