North America Horse Training Stables Directory
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KCS Equestrian Center & Riding School
31805 Temecula Parkway
Temecula, CA 92592
Lessons for all ages and level of riders. Over 15 great lesson horses for both English and western. 100 mature shade trees, lighted arenas, covered crossties, individual tack rooms, and on site manager. Instructor/Owner is an accredited horse show judge with USEF, AHA, AMHA, IFSHA, and PtHa. Safety and horsemanship skills emphasized.
KD Stable#411
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 302-9983
kcsequestrian@aol.comLessons for all ages and level of riders. Over 15 great lesson horses for both English and western. 100 mature shade trees, lighted arenas, covered crossties, individual tack rooms, and on site manager. Instructor/Owner is an accredited horse show judge with USEF, AHA, AMHA, IFSHA, and PtHa. Safety and horsemanship skills emphasized.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
- Judges
202 Thomas Hill
Lee, ME 04455
Equestrian facility and summer programs. Overnight camps limited to 6 riders per week. Day camps limited to 10. Enjoy riding and learning horses in a relaxed, personal and friendly atmosphere.
KDS Performance HorsesLee, ME 04455
(207) 738-2248
kdstable@localnet.comEquestrian facility and summer programs. Overnight camps limited to 6 riders per week. Day camps limited to 10. Enjoy riding and learning horses in a relaxed, personal and friendly atmosphere.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
284 Fairview Lane
Derry, PA 15627
We are a horse boarding and training stable nestled about 45 minutes east of Pittsbugh, PA, in Derry, Westmoreland County. We are very close and have had clients like in Johnstown, Derry, Latrobe, Greensburg, New Alexandria, & Indiana. We train all levels of riders and horses ranging from small fry (walk-trot) to amateurs. Our main breed of horses is the Quarter Horse.
We focus showing on a couple different level circuits including Quarter Horse, open shows, youth shows, and 4-H.
Additionally, I can help you to acquire a new show horse or to sell your current horse. Also, I have been a certified judge for several years.
I purposely keep my show team under 10 horses and riders so that each individual client and horse receive special quality time to insure their success.
I have trained horses for the following classes:
Western Pleasure
Hunter Under Saddle
Hunt Seat Equitation
Hunter Hack
Western Riding
Working Hunter
Hunt Seat Equitation over Fences
I have placed at the Quarter Horse Congress, Quarter Horse World Show, and the Buckskin World Show. Our prices are reasonable, and we currently have a couple openings for boarding.
Kempstone Sport HorsesDerry, PA 15627
(724) 433-9479
kds_horses@yahoo.comWe are a horse boarding and training stable nestled about 45 minutes east of Pittsbugh, PA, in Derry, Westmoreland County. We are very close and have had clients like in Johnstown, Derry, Latrobe, Greensburg, New Alexandria, & Indiana. We train all levels of riders and horses ranging from small fry (walk-trot) to amateurs. Our main breed of horses is the Quarter Horse.
We focus showing on a couple different level circuits including Quarter Horse, open shows, youth shows, and 4-H.
Additionally, I can help you to acquire a new show horse or to sell your current horse. Also, I have been a certified judge for several years.
I purposely keep my show team under 10 horses and riders so that each individual client and horse receive special quality time to insure their success.
I have trained horses for the following classes:
Western Pleasure
Hunter Under Saddle
Hunt Seat Equitation
Hunter Hack
Western Riding
Working Hunter
Hunt Seat Equitation over Fences
I have placed at the Quarter Horse Congress, Quarter Horse World Show, and the Buckskin World Show. Our prices are reasonable, and we currently have a couple openings for boarding.
PO Box 714
Broadview SK S0G 0K0
In my 16 years of riding and competing in the hunter/jumper world, I have discovered the kind and athletic draft cross and have dedicated my new upcoming facility to the breed as well as to students wishing to learn to ride English or jumping or who wish to compete in these events. I also welcome in horses who need jumping or English training/finishing. I am available for ship in or travel out lessons/training. If it is horse related... I can help. I can also consign horses for sale or assist clients looking for their next partner. Located 1.5 hrs east of Regina.
Kevin A. Spaeth Horsemanship / No Nonsense Horse TrainingBroadview SK S0G 0K0
(306) 696-7681
janinatierney3@hotmail.comIn my 16 years of riding and competing in the hunter/jumper world, I have discovered the kind and athletic draft cross and have dedicated my new upcoming facility to the breed as well as to students wishing to learn to ride English or jumping or who wish to compete in these events. I also welcome in horses who need jumping or English training/finishing. I am available for ship in or travel out lessons/training. If it is horse related... I can help. I can also consign horses for sale or assist clients looking for their next partner. Located 1.5 hrs east of Regina.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors

Visit Kevin A. Spaeth Horsemanship / No Nonsense Horse Training's Facebook Page
S5300 State Highway 37
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 396-1265
(715) 214-5597
spaethhorsemanship@gmail.comSafe, gentle, and effective training method for colt starting and problem solving.
Specializing in the perfect start for your horse and solving any issues.
Natural horsemanship lessons may be discussed.
Of Special Interest to Trail Horse Owners:
- Emphasis on developing a safe reliable trail horse with built in tools for easy tune up.
- Would you like a horse that trailers itself?
- Has a developed attention span?
- Enjoys going away from barn buddies with you?
- Watches other peoples' horses jig on the trail?
- Gets a lolly pop from your farrier and vet?
- Crosses almost any obstacle with confidence?
- (add your wish in this space)...
Of Special Interest to Performance Horse owners:
- Horses started with my method will save you time. Proper foundation to the advanced maneuvers included in basic starting if you wish,
such as:
- Roll backs
- Sliding stops
- Side pass
Rural Route #2
High River, AB T1V1N2
All instruction provided uses a combination of the deeply rooted tradition of the vaquero horsemanship methods and the influence of modern day horsemanship for maximum results with you and your horse. Training methods influenced through clinic attendance and participation with renowned horsemen Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Bryan Neubert, Gwen and David Weaver, Martin Black, and Curt Pate. He considers himself a lifelong learner.
Attend lessons or Key Ranch clinics to build confidence, develop flexibility, achieve a positive and safe riding experience, and have fun. Also provides lessons, clinics, and events in colt starting, cattle work, ranch roping, ranch horse versatility, and ranch horsemanship.
Key Ranch is the host of some of the largest ranch ropings sanctioned by the Canadian Ranch Roping Association and one of the only properties in Canada to host renowned horseman Buck Brannaman.
Keystone StablesHigh River, AB T1V1N2
(403) 601-7370
(403) 395-3395
denice@keithstewart.caAll instruction provided uses a combination of the deeply rooted tradition of the vaquero horsemanship methods and the influence of modern day horsemanship for maximum results with you and your horse. Training methods influenced through clinic attendance and participation with renowned horsemen Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Bryan Neubert, Gwen and David Weaver, Martin Black, and Curt Pate. He considers himself a lifelong learner.
Attend lessons or Key Ranch clinics to build confidence, develop flexibility, achieve a positive and safe riding experience, and have fun. Also provides lessons, clinics, and events in colt starting, cattle work, ranch roping, ranch horse versatility, and ranch horsemanship.
Key Ranch is the host of some of the largest ranch ropings sanctioned by the Canadian Ranch Roping Association and one of the only properties in Canada to host renowned horseman Buck Brannaman.
12202 Berlin Lane
Merrill, WI 54452
Keystone Stables specializes in natural horsemanship training for the horse and horse owner. Focus on making the horse respectful & responsive. Problem solving or colt starting. Limited board available with turnout, indoor, and outdoor arenas.
KFK Performance HorsesMerrill, WI 54452
(715) 536-6132
fenwickfarm@gmail.comKeystone Stables specializes in natural horsemanship training for the horse and horse owner. Focus on making the horse respectful & responsive. Problem solving or colt starting. Limited board available with turnout, indoor, and outdoor arenas.
30 Lawrence Road
Lafayette, NJ 07848
Training, lessons, and showing. Hunt seat and western performance. All levels of horses and riders accepted from nervous beginner to advanced.
Khala-Marr StablesLafayette, NJ 07848
(973) 809-6812
kfkperformance@gmail.comTraining, lessons, and showing. Hunt seat and western performance. All levels of horses and riders accepted from nervous beginner to advanced.
State Highway 7
Otego, NY 13825
Khala-Marr Stables is located in Otego, New York. We offer riding lessons, boarding, training, and summer and vacation day camps for children. Several horses for sale. Imported Hanoverian stallion Allerbester and Arabian Champion Grey Zaki.
Kimberlee Strauss Harmony Horsemanship / Legacy FarmOtego, NY 13825
(607) 988-9419
kstables@stny.rr.comKhala-Marr Stables is located in Otego, New York. We offer riding lessons, boarding, training, and summer and vacation day camps for children. Several horses for sale. Imported Hanoverian stallion Allerbester and Arabian Champion Grey Zaki.
- Hanoverian Breeders and Stallions
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Breeding Services
683 Quaker Meeting House Road
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Discover, reconnect, or enhance your relationship with horses! As an ARIA certified dressage, western, and recreational riding instructor, I can assist you in developing a harmonious approach and balanced seat in riding your own horse or one of mine. Additionally accredited through Frank Bell, international trainer and clinician, I can also teach you gentle solutions for training challenges and problem behaviors without the use of force, punishment, or domination. All sessions are private and customized to the individual student or horse. Lessons in liberty training, basic horse training on the ground and in the saddle, obstacle work, trail work, ground driving, and riding with a cordeo are available, along with traditional riding (w/t/c, lateral work, basic jumping). Truck-ins are welcome, and I also travel throughout Upstate New York. To learn more about my training and teaching philosophy, please visit my website.
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
(585) 727-4276
info@kimberleestrauss.comDiscover, reconnect, or enhance your relationship with horses! As an ARIA certified dressage, western, and recreational riding instructor, I can assist you in developing a harmonious approach and balanced seat in riding your own horse or one of mine. Additionally accredited through Frank Bell, international trainer and clinician, I can also teach you gentle solutions for training challenges and problem behaviors without the use of force, punishment, or domination. All sessions are private and customized to the individual student or horse. Lessons in liberty training, basic horse training on the ground and in the saddle, obstacle work, trail work, ground driving, and riding with a cordeo are available, along with traditional riding (w/t/c, lateral work, basic jumping). Truck-ins are welcome, and I also travel throughout Upstate New York. To learn more about my training and teaching philosophy, please visit my website.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
- Natural Horsemanship Training
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