Warren County, New Jersey Horse Training Stables Directory
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Breezee Hill FarmGracefield Farm
659 South Main St
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
Gracefield Farm offers boarding and training in hunter jumper, dressage, and eventing for riders and horses of all levels. We have a large indoor arena as well as a lighted outdoor arena and a 1/2 mile fenced track. Trails are available for pleasure riding. This is a full care facility with many amenities available.
Patewood Farm LLCStewartsville, NJ 08886
(908) 674-0434
(908) 859-8386
gracefieldfarm100@yahoo.comGracefield Farm offers boarding and training in hunter jumper, dressage, and eventing for riders and horses of all levels. We have a large indoor arena as well as a lighted outdoor arena and a 1/2 mile fenced track. Trails are available for pleasure riding. This is a full care facility with many amenities available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
67 Mount Hermon Road
Blairstown, NJ 07825
Horse boarding, training, lessons, and leasing: Small intimate training facility specializing in developing a harmonious relationship between horse and rider. Reasonable rates for superior care. 12x12 matted stalls, hot/cold wash stall, 2 tack rooms, plenty of turnout, and personalized care. Beautiful, bright indoor arena and large outdoor sand arena. Training and lessons in French classical dressage and jumping. Several quality horses for part lease.
Riverview FarmBlairstown, NJ 07825
(908) 459-5089
suz@patewoodfarm.comHorse boarding, training, lessons, and leasing: Small intimate training facility specializing in developing a harmonious relationship between horse and rider. Reasonable rates for superior care. 12x12 matted stalls, hot/cold wash stall, 2 tack rooms, plenty of turnout, and personalized care. Beautiful, bright indoor arena and large outdoor sand arena. Training and lessons in French classical dressage and jumping. Several quality horses for part lease.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Box 241 Asbury-Bloomsbury Rd
Asbury, NJ
Hunt seat and dressage lessons. Showing. Full service boarding / full training for dressage and hunters/jumpers. Leasing of medium show pony.
RiverView Ranch L.L.C.Asbury, NJ
(570) 517-1752
sharonlv@gmail.comHunt seat and dressage lessons. Showing. Full service boarding / full training for dressage and hunters/jumpers. Leasing of medium show pony.
158 Foul Rift Rd
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Dedicated to providing the best resources for all disciplines.
Complete Boarding Service * Training Board * Sale horses * Starting Horses * Lessons * Problem Solving * Overall Manners * Loading/Trailering * Certified Massage * Excellent Full Care Facility * Owners on Property 24 Hrs * Friendly Atmosphere * Daily Turnout * Individual Feeding Program * 12x12 Rubber Matted Stalls * 126' x 70' Indoor * 70' Round Pen * 150' x 300' Outdoor Ring * Lounge * Western & English
Stone Creek StablesBelvidere, NJ 07823
(908) 475-4320
Dedicated to providing the best resources for all disciplines.
Complete Boarding Service * Training Board * Sale horses * Starting Horses * Lessons * Problem Solving * Overall Manners * Loading/Trailering * Certified Massage * Excellent Full Care Facility * Owners on Property 24 Hrs * Friendly Atmosphere * Daily Turnout * Individual Feeding Program * 12x12 Rubber Matted Stalls * 126' x 70' Indoor * 70' Round Pen * 150' x 300' Outdoor Ring * Lounge * Western & English
Meg Navarro
PO Box 227
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
Stone Creek Stables offers boarding, lessons, training, and sales. Located on 80 quiet acres, we have a large indoor, an outdoor dressage ring, and a grass jump field. We specialize in hunter/jumpers and have a selection of horses and ponies for sale and lease.
Top Notch Equestrian Centre, Ltd.PO Box 227
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
(973) 769-2316
mstonecreek@gmail.comStone Creek Stables offers boarding, lessons, training, and sales. Located on 80 quiet acres, we have a large indoor, an outdoor dressage ring, and a grass jump field. We specialize in hunter/jumpers and have a selection of horses and ponies for sale and lease.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Top Notch Equestrian Centre, Ltd.'s Facebook Page
633 South Main Street
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
(908) 213-1300
(908) 334-9491
mks612@aol.comSpecializing in Hunters, Equitation, and Jumpers. Proven curriculum with structured program integrating riding and horsemanship. Private individualized instruction for beginner riders to advanced competitors. We welcome and encourage adult beginners. Showing competitively local thru "AA" shows.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Windy Meadows Farms' Facebook Page
Blairstown, NJ 07825
(973) 229-9821
w.mfarms@yahoo.comBoarding, training, lessons, and camps. Windy Meadows Farms is located in Blairstown, NJ, on 52 acres. There are trails on the property, and we are close to the Paulinskill Rail Trail. Cross country field and grass jump field. Stalls are 12x12. Large outdoor ring. Tackroom, lounge, and storage room attached to the barn. Large grass paddocks and dry lots. Personalized feed plans. Manager and owners live on the property.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Flemington, NJ 08822
Freelance Training and Lessons for horse owners at your facility or farm. Adults and Children. Fully Insured. Western and English Training & Lessons
Start your baby right!
Applied Practical Horsemanship Methods
A simple, systematic approach with proven results.
Resistance Free Training
Services include lessons, training, sales, showing, clinics, trailer loading training, and show coaching.
RiverView Ranch L.L.C.(908) 797-3364
mizzitraining@gmail.comFreelance Training and Lessons for horse owners at your facility or farm. Adults and Children. Fully Insured. Western and English Training & Lessons
Start your baby right!
Applied Practical Horsemanship Methods
A simple, systematic approach with proven results.
Resistance Free Training
Services include lessons, training, sales, showing, clinics, trailer loading training, and show coaching.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Provides quality training and lessons in a family friendly environment that promotes responsibility and character. If you are an experienced rider and are looking for the right barn to join, RiverView Ranch L.L.C. may be the place for you. RiverView Ranch L.L.C. has training programs and lessons to meet the needs of advanced, intermediate, and beginning riders.
Complete Boarding Service * Training Board * Sale Horses * Starting Horses * Problem Solving * Overall Manners * Loading / Trailering * Certified Massage * Excellent Full Care Facility * Owners on Property 24 Hrs * Friendly Atmosphere * Daily Turnout * Individual Feeding Program * 12x12 Rubber Matted Stalls * 126' x 70' Indoor * 70' Round Pen * 150' x 300' Outdoor Ring * Lounge * Western & English Riding Lessons
Now offering cutting lessons with a professional cutting horse trainer.
(908) 475-4320
riverviewranchllc@hotmail.comProvides quality training and lessons in a family friendly environment that promotes responsibility and character. If you are an experienced rider and are looking for the right barn to join, RiverView Ranch L.L.C. may be the place for you. RiverView Ranch L.L.C. has training programs and lessons to meet the needs of advanced, intermediate, and beginning riders.
Complete Boarding Service * Training Board * Sale Horses * Starting Horses * Problem Solving * Overall Manners * Loading / Trailering * Certified Massage * Excellent Full Care Facility * Owners on Property 24 Hrs * Friendly Atmosphere * Daily Turnout * Individual Feeding Program * 12x12 Rubber Matted Stalls * 126' x 70' Indoor * 70' Round Pen * 150' x 300' Outdoor Ring * Lounge * Western & English Riding Lessons
Now offering cutting lessons with a professional cutting horse trainer.
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